Together, and with our customers, we are building the next generation rental ecosystem.


More and more people around the globe are renting, for longer. At some point in our lives it's something we all do. Think about it - even if you aren't renting right now, we bet that you have people in your life who are. The thing is, the way we all rent hasn't seen much innovation in the last 10 years despite the emergence of amazing new technologies and shifting economic climate.

Globally, demand for rentals is far outstripping the supply - creating an increasingly competitive marketplace for Renters in the urban environment. We're not talking about a luxury commodity here, we're talking about where and how people live... where they call home.

At Donserenos Consult we make it our duty to find the best possible accommodation for our clients.

We have the following properties for rent:
  • Duplexes
  • Homes
  • Two bedroom apartents
  • One bedroom apartments

Contact Us

Address: The Pavilion Building, c/o
Portswood & Dock Road, The V&A
Waterfront, Cape Town, South Africa

Phone: +27.21 140 3504
WhatsApp: +27 69 886 8699
Fax: +27.86 771 2993

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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